Ubisoft has just released a brand new Assassin Creed Assassins Creed title Syndicate. The latest iteration of the young series, which already brings about a lot of this sequel you the age of the industrial revolution, in the City of London.
Well, of course, as the modern game, Assassins Creed Syndicate does not exist in sizes under 10 GB as Assassin's Creed the first or second. This game has a total size of 43 GB, and with a 5 Mbps Internet Indihome me it took four days to complete the whole process of downloading.
Fortunately Assassins Creed Syndicate in PS4 features that are very simple. The game will be the first to download the first 8 GB remaining 35 GB only downloaded later. While waiting for the process is complete, you'll be able to play the first two missions were also a kind of tutorial in this game.
The first impression that you will be able to play this game is sure about the two main characters are a brother-sister twins Jacob and Evie Frye. In addition to the double sign, you also may feel like Twins gameplay of Assassins Creed Assassins Creed Syndicate with others.
Not surprisingly, really this feeling arises, because I have made, if you feel a preview of Assassin's Creed Syndicate few months ago. However, this game has something else ... whatever ... the feeling the game gets solid. Either because the animation is better, responsive controls, or other things.
In the first mission you will control the Jacob Frye, while in the second mission you will control Evie Frye. The first of the two missions, to be honest I do not know much difference between the character of Jacob and Evie see. To further evaluate the benefits of the two main characters, I obviously have to play this game more by waiting for the download game finished.
To achieve in terms of control, Assassins Creed Syndicate what. In Assassins Creed Unity You do not have a special button to enter the sneak mode (secretly), now this mode, the difference is much more useful and it works better than its predecessor. In addition Syndicate offer with an interesting touch to the animated characters and remove the hood characteristic when changing from one state assassins secretly in normal running.
Besides the sneak-control, Syndicate also reintroduce the feature Free-Run-Run Free Up and Down. Again, this function is maximized in the Syndicate. If in Unity I feel hardly the difference between the two buttons, in these two movements Syndicate feels much more important. But remember in the first two levels are not too many buildings to be explored, I have not been to maximize this function naturally.
Syndicate also provides a very interesting combat. During this rigid Assassins Creed identical to fight and to counteraction alone. It was modified in the unit and improved again in this game. I'm going to this part is not much to discuss, because I'm pretty sure Syndicate still save a lot of interesting things in the affairs of a fight than the first two missions of the vote alone.
At first glance, the two first mission I played, seemed Assassins Creed Syndicate, bring a lot of positive changes. The perfect game many new features with a polishing agent in the unit, and now it's much better. I am quite optimistic Syndicate my gaming experience is going to be a lot more fun as a unit.
In terms of optics, the Assassins Creed Syndicate also gain much compared to the unit. Animation owned this game much smoother and more realistic. This is especially noticeable when there are characters who fight with their bare hands.

Jacob saw action and Evie to their opponents with a combined attack punch with the sword seemed so satisfying to the eye. Execution feels firmer than the animation before fighting in Assassin's Creed. This combination makes me enjoy the time I spend time to fight with the enemy, even if the way to breastfeeding is still the first choice in the fight to kill.
In addition to a very good motion animation, Assassins Creed Syndicate also comes with a very smooth visual landing. Steampunk impression so I feel from the background of the industrial revolution were taken. It makes me very honest with games like Dishonored or Fable III recalls. For fans of steampunk, of course I love to reconcile the image of London in the late 19th century in Assassin's Creed.
An increase not only in the presentation graphics and animation course the music of Austin Wintory claim contributes to the impression of the industrial revolution in Syndicate. In addition to describing a good impression with the industrial revolution, the music that it is also enough to the nature of the two brothers were represented Frye full of sarcasm and astute sense. It will not be surprising if in case I decided to buy the soundtrack of Assassin 's Creed Syndicate, so this game to end.
Preliminary conclusions
Of course I can not give a final conclusion, but from my brief experience with Assassins Creed Syndicate, I was very like this game as my first experience with Unity.
At first glance, Syndicate feels like a refinement of things in the unit in place, but with the removal of multiplayer features and frills are not other important and with the background of the industrial revolution (Steampunk), which is for me personally wrapped much more interesting as a revolution France appears to increase the quality of my game experience.
Another thing that I want tangent how interesting compare the two main characters of Assassin's Creed. Interesting to see the relationship between Jacob and Evie Frye is definitely one thing that is very funny, and I'm being very impatient to know further the twin siblings this in my game sessions.
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